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Kostenloser Versand ab 99€ mit dem Code "free"

Lost ticket? You will be helped here.

Our online tickets are sent to you via email “just in time” with your payment. You can find out whether you have purchased an online ticket in the respective item description of the product/ticket you ordered. If you don't have an online ticket, your ticket will be sent to your home in about 2-3 days. We will help you:

  • Check your spam mailbox to see if there is an email with tickets there. 
  • Check the email address you used to order for spelling errors. 
  • Compare your email address from your account with your Paypal address. With Paypal Express Checkout, the tickets will have been sent to your Paypal address.

Still haven't found what you're looking for? No problem, we will help you.

Use the form below. We also need from you to help you as quickly as possible:

  • Your order number or payment receipt 
  • Name of the person to be appointed

We answer all emails promptly. 
From an organizational perspective, the last deadline for inquiries about tickets is 48 hours before the start of the event.

Due to a current Trojan virus threat, we do not click on any links sent that lead to other websites.

Die mit einem Stern (*) markierten Felder sind Pflichtfelder.