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Die VIP Area ist voll. Bitte nicht mehr bewerben.
The Vip Area is full. Please do not apply again.

Showdown Vip Bewerbung

All vehicles participating in the application process for the VIP area must undergo the selection process. This process allows us to control and ensure the quality of the vehicles to be exhibited. All vehicles are individually evaluated by our evaluation committee.

All brands and models are warmly welcome. The rating system only applies to the VIP area. All other areas are freely accessible. Each application is usually processed within 4 - 6 weeks. If you do not receive an answer from us, this will be considered a rejection.

++Please check your spam folder.+++

 We look forward to your application.

Send your vip-application to

Email: hi@neshforce.de
hats App: +004915126316162

 Ticket price €29,90 until January 31st

We need from you:

  • 4 different pictures of your car
  • Name
  • Instagram
  • Licence plate
  • Make
  • Modell
  • Year of build
  • Rims
  • Short discreption of your build